Ridewell Lift Axles
Ridewell Lift Axles or Liftable Suspensions
Liftable Suspensions Ridewell offers a complete line of Liftable Suspensions to meet your every need. Choose from self-steer and non-steer designs.
For the following applications: (click part number for pricing and to order online)
2328010 8K
2320015 13.2K 11.5"-15" Ride Ht. 10 Hole hub-piloted
2320020 20K 10 Hole hub-piloted
6060047 20K 6" Drop Center Pusher, 10 hole hub-piloted
6060048 20K 8" Drop Center Pusher, 10 hole hub-piloted
6060067 Straight Axle Tag, 10 hole hub-piloted
2150010 13.2K Pusher Axle
215001513.2K Tag Axle
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